Material: nickel plated steel
Distributor: Bucilla, New York, New York
Bucilla, originally Bernhard Ulmann Company, New York, New York, produced yarn, supplies, kits and instruction books for knitting, needlepoint and embroidery.
Bucilla Trademark: 1913 US 93,782 Bucilla. Bucilla trademark
Featherlite Trademark: 1940-Sep-03 US 380,890 Featherlite. Claims in use since 1939-Jun-21.
Bucilla Germany
Length: 5″
Size: US 3
GERMANY stamped on handle
Length: 5″
Size: US 11
handle stamped CZECHOSLOVAKIA
probably manufactured by Waldes Koh-i-noor
Bucilla Featherlite
Length: 5″
Sizes: US 2