Address: 1862 Britannia Works, William Street, Redditch, England
1862/64 set up at Britannia Works, Redditch
From Grace’s Guide British Industrial History
Alfred Shrimpton and Sons of Britannia Works, Redditch
- 1812 Company established.
- 1914 Needle manufacturers. Specialities: hand sewing and machine needles, crochet hooks and toilet pins.
London Gazette 1887 March 15, p. 1576
1887 From Leonard, J. W., The Industries of Saint Louis. Her Relations as a Center of Trade. Manufacturing Establishments and Business Houses, J. M. Elstner and Co., St. Louis, Missouri, 1887.
Alfred Shrimpton & Sons. — Needle Manufacturers, Redditch, England; United States Office, 718 Lucas avenue; A. A.& J. W. Wright, St. Louis Representatives. — The only manufacturers of hand and sewing machine needles having their own depot and salesroom in the United States are Alfred Shrimpton & Sons, of Redditch, England. This house is about two hundred years old, descending from father to son under the same style, the eldest son of each generation bearing the same name. This St. Louis house was established seven years ago by Messrs. A. A. & J. W. Wright, who still remain in charge of it. It is the only branch maintained by the firm in the United States, and all their goods for this country are shipped direct to St. Louis, where duties and charges are paid, and from which they are distributed to the trade in every part of the Union, from New York to San Francisco and from the Lakes to the Gulf. The result has justified the judgment by which the choice of St. Louis as the best point for distribution was made, for the trade in this country has prospered greatly under the efficient, faithful and energetic management of Messrs. Wright Bros. Fifteen clerks and ten traveling salesmen are employed, and the stock carried by the house is the largest in the United States, usually amounting to from thirty-five to forty millions of needles. The needles handled are of the best quality and workmanship, and are in great demand. They are received at the St. Louis house very largely in bulk, and are put up here at the rate of from 10,000 to 12,000 packages per day. They manufacture needles of every description, and have here all the novelties in the line, such as cabinets, fancy needle cases, etc. The business has steadily increased from year to year, and the trade in the present year, so far, indicates that it will excel its predecessors in the volume of the business transacted by the house.
Incorporated as Alfred Shrimpton (needles) Ltd in 1965
From an unknown publication about Mid-Waltes New Town Development Area
FInal dissolution of Alfred Shrimpton (needles) Ltd in 2006 In Worcestershire.