Material: wood
Maker: Bill Schmidt
Right to left
I started making crochet hooks as a result of working doing the final filing and sanding on crochet hooks for Bruce Robbins in 1971 in Berkeley.
1) Maple hook. Never having been been near a wood lathe before and after watching Bruce only briefly, I was determined to full teach myself.
2 & 3) Probably 1-3 months into use of the lathe. The beginning of the “Turn of the Century” style.
3) Customers talked me into pointing the hook tip for smoother operation. I always carried yarn for them to try the hooks.
4 & 5) From the mid 70s. Turn of the Century designed evolved but not refined. Still doing the California “scrunch-em-up” method of packing as much design in the space as possible.
6-11) Current from stock production. Sizes F-K.The woods: F-Brazilian Tulipwood, G-Cocobolo, H-Bocote, I-Purpleheart, J-Brazilian Rosewood, K-Vermillion. I use exotic woods for these for strength and appearance. Exception: Osage Orange.
12-14) Rug hooks. The woods: N-Black Walnut, P-Red Oak, Q-Hard Maple. Also available in S and 13 mm sizes. I use domestic woods for the rug hooks.
2001 Crochet Guild of America commemorative hook